
Surya Gayatri Mantra | सूर्या गायत्री मंत्र for Success, Good Luck | सूर्य महादशा के निवारण के लिए

2022-11-30 5 Dailymotion

This is a very most powerful Surya (SUN) Mantra for wealth, goodluck, fame and to remove weak position of sun in horoscope.

Surya Gayatri Mantra : सूर्य महादशा के निवारण के लिए इस मंत्र जाप से अच्छा परिणाम प्राप्त होता है

Powerful Sun Mantra of Lord Surya (SUN) has the power to create a healthy and happy life. Use Surya(SUN) mantra to get positive vibrations and grace from the Lord Sun. This Surya(SUN) mantra has the healing powers to remove diseases and negative impacts if any. The mother of Pandavas 'Kunti' used this Surya mantra with some modifications to get a wonderful son 'Karan'.

Start chanting the mantra on sunday, or you can chant on sundays. Chant for 108 times at least at a time. However if you feel doing more, chant.

Sun signifies the father, government, Lord Vishnu, king, the nourisher, fame, health, power, soul, self esteem, decision making power and more. So if are getting problems with any of these you should chant the mantra. Offer water to Lord Sun every morning or at least on Sundays. Chant the mantra.

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